When you want to launch a blog website like this, you might want to use this checklist to make sure you have covered all features a blog should have.

  • Taxonomies. Use taxonomies to easily relate content to other blog posts. A taxonomy in this website are: tags and authors. The authors doesn’t make sense in this site, but I might want to add external writers to my blog post or open source my blog for other persons or groups.
  • Open Graph. Add an Open Graph section to the header of your website. When you share the blog post on social media, it will get a nice text & image. This image is also used in the RSS feed.
  • Code highlighting. Hugo has the ability to include code including syntax highlighting. Stay tuned, a blog post on how to do this is coming up soon.
  • Cookies. Avoid any trouble by enabling a cookieconsent. I’ve used this one. It’s easy to implement, and is not in your face.
  • RSS. Enable an RSS feed on your blog, so people can easily get notified when you publish a new blog post.

If you have any thoughts or ideas that are missing in this list, please let me know!


Photo by Pexels from Pixabay

Martijn van Dongen
Cloud Evangelist / MCE
Martijn works at Schuberg Philis as Cloud Evangelist and Mission Critical Engineer (MCE). Martijn is an active AWS developer, architect, consultant, and trainer. He is chair of AWSug.nl and recognized as an AWS Community Hero.
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Starting 2020 with an empty agenda and a new website: Hit The Cloud Running.com
December 31, 2019 | Est. read time: 3 minutes
In 2020 I’m going to work on a few dreams I have for quite some time. The first dream has become reality already: this website is now live.
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